Tagged: Unix

Important Unix Shell Questions

Important Unix Shell Questions

Some Important Unix Shell Questions for Recent Graduates to help them in their Interview Preparations. There can be multiple Kernels and shells running on your system. True or False? Why shell is called Command Interpreter? Two UNIX systems may or may not use the same system calls. True or False? To...

Nix Application Programming

Nix Application Programming

Explain the difference between a static library and a dynamic library? – Static library is linked into the executable, while a dynamic library (or shared object) is loaded while the executable has started. How do you create a static library? – If you have a collection of object (.o) files, you...

C Interview Questions

C Interview Questions

C Interview Questions For Recent graduates and Experienced professionals to gain the knowledge for the C Interview. 1: swap(int x,y) { int temp; temp=x; x=y; y=temp; } main() { int x=2;y=3; swap(x,y); } after calling swap ,what are the values x&y?

UNIX and OS X Commands Reference

UNIX and OS X Commands Reference

Some Very Cool Unix Commands that might be real helpful for an interview or for anything while working with Unix or OS X. cd (change directory) cd myfolder Changes the current working directory to “myfolder” cd .. Go up one level to the current working directory. cd ../.. Go up two...