Sasken C Interview Questions for Job Interview Seekers
1) If u have a linked list library, how do u design stack and queue using it; write pseudo code.
2) What are static variables and functions?
3) Write code in C to count the number of 1s in a character (1byte).
4) What is pre-order, post-order, in-order; write code to print post-order.
5) Can u construct a binary tree given its in order and postorder details. Is it necessary or sufficient to construct tree. Asked an example to do in both ways.
More…6) If recursion is not used to print post order, what other data structure u use
(ans: Stack).
7)Can u use stack always in place of recursion? (ans: Yes)
8) What are meta characters?
9) Write a piece of code to insert a node in a linked list.
10) About malloc.
11) About Operating System – Semaphores
12) About Computability (eg:- finding infinite loop), Complexity of algorithms
13) What does compiler and assembler do?