Monthly Archive: November 2010

How was Your Performance in the Last Job

How was Your Performance in the Last Job

How was Your Performance in the Last Job This is a tricky question, the Interview is trying to find out the reason for your job change, if you were under performing or the reason why you are job hopping. Tip: Be clear and truthful Example: “My Performance at the last job...

Would you lie for the sake of company

Would you lie for the sake of company

It is another question that used to judge two values against one another, in this case loyalty against integrity.You should be careful, not to lose integrity, as well show your loyalty to the company. Method to answer: Try to avoid choosing between two values, giving a positive statement which covers all...

How do you feel reporting to Younger person/Women?

How do you feel reporting to Younger person/Women?

How do you feel about reporting to a younger person (minority, woman, etc)? Tricky question, It’s a shame that some interviewers feel the need to ask this question, but many understand the reality that prejudices still exist among some job candidates, and it’s better to try to flush them out beforehand....

Tell me about a situation when your work was criticized

Tell me about a situation when your work was criticized

This is a tough question because it’s a more clever and subtle way to get you to admit to a weakness. You can’t dodge it by pretending you’ve never been criticized. Everybody has been.Yet it can be quite damaging to start admitting potential faults and failures that you’d just as soon...