How do you feel reporting to Younger person/Women?

How do you feel reporting to Younger person/Women?

How do you feel about reporting to a younger person (minority, woman, etc)? Tricky question, It’s a shame that some interviewers feel the need to ask this question, but many understand the reality that prejudices still exist among some job candidates, and it’s better to try to flush them out beforehand....

Tell me about a situation when your work was criticized

Tell me about a situation when your work was criticized

This is a tough question because it’s a more clever and subtle way to get you to admit to a weakness. You can’t dodge it by pretending you’ve never been criticized. Everybody has been.Yet it can be quite damaging to start admitting potential faults and failures that you’d just as soon...

Books you read

Books you read

What good books have you read lately? As in all matters of your interview, never fake familiarity you don’t have. Yet you don’t want to seem like a dullard who hasn’t read a book since Tom Sawyer. Unless you’re up for a position in academia or as book critic for The...

Strong and Weak Points

Strong and Weak Points

Honestly tell us about the strong points and weak points of your boss?? Skillfull interviewers sometimes make it almost irresistible to open up and air a little dirty laundry from your previous position. DON’T Remember the rule: Never be negative. Stress only the good points, no matter how charmingly you’re invited...

Why Out of Work for so long

Why Out of Work for so long

What is the reason, for your long gap for out of wok? interview faq A tough question if you’ve been out of work, or taken a long break from very long time. You don’t want to seem like defending your backyard. You want to emphasize factors which have prolonged your job...

What are your career options

What are your career options

What are your career options Now? The interviewer is trying to find out, “How desperate are you? for this job.” Prepare for this question by thinking of how you can position yourself as a desired commodity. If you are still working, describe the possibilities at your present firm and why, though...

Why do you want to work at our company

Why do you want to work at our company

Question 11 Why do you want to work at our company? This question tests whether you’ve done any homework about the firm. If you haven’t, you lose. If you have, you win big. How Tackle this Question with a simple yet brilliant answer: This question is your opportunity to hit the...

Explain Your ideal company, location and job

Explain Your ideal company, location and job

This is often asked by experienced interviewer who thinks you may be overqualified, but knows better than to show his hand by posing his objection directly. So he’ll use this question instead, which often gets a candidate to reveal that, indeed, he or she is looking for something other than the...