Job interview Stop Words

Job interview Stop Words
The Job interview Stop Words
Have you ever wondered whether there would be any such words? Stop words/do not say words/ do not murmur words? usually these words referred in website optimisation as stop Keywords which are termed as stop words.
Example: And, Or, Of, etc.
These words are not recommended as they occupy the area and are not important in ranking, similarly the words which will have a negative impact in the interview or even might fail you in it are the ones which are not to be said in the interview.
When interviewer asks: What do you expect to enjoy most in this role?
The answer should never be: The Salary, Perks, Holidays, Lunchtime breaks, Co-worker friendship etc.
These words are really interview breakers, they will have really bad impression on the interviewer, hence I recommend you not to use these words, for a successful job interview, you need to understand the mindset of the interviewer so that you answer their queries accordingly for example:
When the interviewer asks: What do you expect to enjoy most in this role?
Your answer should: I expect a challenging role with lot of opportunity to perform and learn in the process achieve my goals.
The above answer is a perfect answer for those interviewers who are testing you with this question.
The answer might not be the defacto but it will give you an idea about how to answer and also how to not answer some questions.
So understand that some times going way too casually in an interview may not be a good idea.
Do let me know if you have anything to share.
All the best for your job interview.