8086 Questions

8086 Questions

Describe segmentation & pipelining in 8086. What is the difference between 8085 and 8086 and 80286? What is the Maximum clock frequency in 8086? #5 Mhz is the Maximum clock frequency in 8086. What are the flags in 8086? #In 8086 Carry flag, Parity flag, Auxiliary carry flag, Zero flag, Overflow...

Php and MySQL Important Questions

Php and MySQL Important Questions

Which will be faster out of these two queries – one with OR or one with IN? Where does MyISAM cache table records? Which will be faster out of queries with explicit INNER JOIN and implicit one? Is InnoDB faster/better than MyISAM? Is CHAR faster than VARCHAR? Is VARCHAR(80) faster than...

Test Cases Questions

Test Cases Questions

Test Cases Interview Questions for Recent graduates and professionals. Write test cases? Write test cases for Windows Vista. Write the Load test cases on Microsoft Office 2007. How do you know the Test case is correct one? Why do we need test cases? Why do we need to compare between test...

Manual Testing questions

Manual Testing questions

Why most of the software company preferred manual testing even though many automation testing tools are present in the market. What is Test Coverage? What are the Type of CMM Levels, Explain Each Level. How do you go about testing a project? in Manual testing? what is build? what is build...

Aptitude Questions

Aptitude Questions

While traveling on a road, the road diverges left and right. one way goes to the heaven and other one goes to hell i want to go to heaven. In that village only two inhabitants are living one is knight and other one is knave. knight will always speak truth and...

8085 Questions

8085 Questions

8085 Questions for Recent graduates and professionals interview, to help them succeed in their job interview. what is the difference between program counter and stack pointer . and what is the difference between data and address.what are the difference between memory and memory location. what is machine cycle,instruction cycle and T-state?...

VLSI Questions

VLSI Questions

Why do we gradually increase the size of inverters in buffer design? Why not give the output of a circuit to one large inverter? Give the logic expression for an AOI gate. Draw its transistor level equivalent. Draw its stick diagram. In the design of a large inverter, why do we...

CCNA Practice Questions

CCNA Practice Questions

CCNA Practice Questions with Multiple choice for Recent Graduates and Professionals to help them in their interview preparations.: Q1. Which of the following is Class C IP address? A. B. C. D. Correct Answer: D.